Imprimus Forensic Services, LLC
POB 1532
Arlington Heights, IL 60006
Phone: 847-804-8420
Fax: 847-439-7442

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Indiana Law Enforcement
Training Board
Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government
Registered Contractor
DUNS# 090683520
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Crime Scene Training Classes & Forensic Consulting Services for Police & Legal Professionals

Imprimus Forensic Services provides high quality crime scene and forensic evidence training classes. We offer a variety of specialized programs that meet the needs of police, fire, private investigators and attorneys. We also provide forensic consulting and support services for civil and criminal investigations.

Scheduled Workshops & Customized In-House Programs

Eligible individuals can enroll in any of our currently scheduled hands-on workshops. We can also provide customized in-house training specifically tailored to meet the needs of a particular agency. Learn more about custom programs here.

Please take a few moments to browse through our site and see what we have to offer.

Training Calendar

2 Week Evidence Technician School

Our currently scheduled training workshops.
Illinois - Indiana - Minnesota - Michigan - Wisconsin

Our students are our best reference. You can read some of their comments here and see what they have to say.

A collection of photography examples from our students.

Found in police and fire departments throughout the world. They document our associations, friendships and the visitors who have passed through our doors.

P.O. Box 1532 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 | Phone: 847.804.8420 | Fax: 847.439.7442

Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government Registered Contractor DUNS# 090683520
