Imprimus Forensic Services, LLC
POB 1532
Arlington Heights, IL 60006
Phone: 847-804-8420
Fax: 847-439-7442

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Indiana Law Enforcement
Training Board
Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government
Registered Contractor
DUNS# 090683520
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Mission Statement

Imprimus Forensic Services, LLC is committed to providing the highest quality educational and consulting services to public and private organizations. We provide crime scene training classes on issues related to forensic science, scene documentation, evidence collection and courtroom presentation. We also supply expert case review and consulting services using highly trained and experienced personnel.

In the classroom, our goal is to provide the most effective learning environment possible. To this end, we utilize

  • Small class sizes
  • Individualized instruction
  • Integrated workshops
  • Practical hands-on exercises
  • Quality equipment
  • The latest forensic technology & methodology
  • Customized instruction based on client needs
  • Support for forensic and crime scene personnel beyond the classroom

Police officers, fire fighters, evidence technicians as well as insurance company and private investigators can all benefit from our programs.

Beyond forensic training we provide specialized consulting services such as

  • Evidence program audits
  • Equipment needs assessments
  • Case analysis and investigative review
  • Courtroom services

Training Partnerships

We have established working relationships and training schedules with several excellent training organizations. Click on any of the links below for more information.

Why Choose Imprimus?

From inception, Imprimus Forensic Services has been dedicated to providing only the highest quality training and consulting services available. We have built a strong following among students and agency administrators and our programs are consistently rated as being the best available. In the classroom, we use a hands-on/cooperative learning group method of instruction. This method has been proven to help students retain a much higher percentage of the information presented.

What are the challenges facing forensic science and crime scene investigations today? Why is quality training and performance important?

Click here to learn more about the recent Natinal Academy of Sciences report on forensics and the position of the IACP.

NAS and Police Chief Covers NAS and IACP

We also bring an extensive array of forensic training equipment and scenarios into the classroom, exposing students to the latest technologies and newest ideas.

The feedback provided on program evaluations speaks for itself. Click on the link below to read some student comments. To view some of our student's work, click on the Student Portfolio link.

Student Comments Student Portfolio

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P.O. Box 1532 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 | Phone: 847.804.8420 | Fax: 847.439.7442

Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government Registered Contractor DUNS# 090683520
