We offer serveral types of specialized crime scene and forensic evidence photography training programs. All sessions are designed and run as hands-on workshops that take students beyond a rudimentary understanding of photography and crime scene procedures. One unique feature of these programs is that we print and return all photos to the students so they can be evaluated and critiqued in class.
If you would like to see some examples of our student's photography work, stop by our Student Portfolio Page.
3 Day Program
All photography sessions are developed for the client based on the photography equipment that the client uses on a day to day basis. Basic Evidence & Crime Scene Photography presents detailed instruction in fundamental photographic principles and exposure to useful photographic accessories. Students are introduced to the approach and basic techniques used in documenting incident scenes. They complete a series of photographic exercises, and once developed, their finished work will be individually evaluated with additional time taken to help the student correct any deficiencies.
3 Day Program
This program takes the student beyond the techniques learned in the basic workshop. Topics covered include macro and close-up photography; oblique lighting techniques; multiple flash photography and photographic filter usage. Specialized shooting situations such as time exposure, multiple flash photos, bloodstain pattern documentation and panoramic photography are covered in this program. The photographic work of each student is evaluated on an individual basis.
Completion of Basic Evidence & Crime Scene Photography is required for enrollment in this advanced program.
1 Day Program
We can provide photo training to meet the requirements of SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) and forensic nursing training guidelines. Services available run from classroom lecture to hands-on use of photo equipment - typically determined by your SANE training model.
If you have already completed a forensic nursing or SANE program and are interested in further enhancing your photography skills, consider our Basic Evidence & Crime Scene Photography Workshop.
If you are an administrator of a SANE or other forensic nursing program, please call us for more information.
P.O. Box 1532 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 | Phone: 847.804.8420 | Fax: 847.439.7442
Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Provider #5000-56
U.S. Government Registered Contractor DUNS# 090683520
© 2001 - Imprimus Forensic Sevices, LLC