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Imprimus Forensic Services, LLC
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Phone: 847-804-8420
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Indiana Law Enforcement
Training Board
Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government
Registered Contractor
DUNS# 090683520
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Basic Evidence Photography

3 Day Workshop

The successful completion of a any type investigation will usually require the appropriate application of incident scene documentation techniques. Photography is the most beneficial tool an investigator has that allows others to understand what has happened at the scene.

Workshop Summary

This workshop is designed to develop the forensic photography and scene documentation skills of the incident scene investigator. It presents detailed instruction in fundamental photographic principles and exposure to useful photographic accessories. The approach to, and basic techniques used in documenting crime and other incident scenes are introduced.

This workshop that is well suited for the investigator who has no or limited familiarity with photography equipment and would like to further enhance their skills. It is an excellent program for novice crime scene investigators and forensic personnel. Students work through a number of practical exercises and receive immediate feedback from instructors.

As with all of our programs that involve photography, we have the students photos printed and returned to them while they are still participating in the workshop. This provides us with the best opportunity to evaluate their work and help them correct any problems. It also provides the student with permanent reference materials that they can use in the field.

Areas of instruction include:

  • Principles of Camera Operation
  • Understanding Metering and Exposure
  • Flash and Lighting Techniques
  • Proper Lens Selection
  • Technical Requirements for Crime Scene Photos
  • Digital Imaging Issues
  • Legality of Scene Search & Photo Documentation
  • Footwear Documentation
  • Injury Documentation
  • Close-Up Photography
  • Photography for Forensic Examination
  • Special Equipment and Accessories
  • Equipment Care and Maintenance

Required Equipment

Attendees will need to bring a camera (digital SLR preferred, tripod and off-camera flash.

You can see examples of our student's crime scene photography and evidence photography work by visiting the Student Portfolio.

Preview PowerPoint Student Guide

Scheduled Programs

P.O. Box 1532 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 | Phone: 847.804.8420 | Fax: 847.439.7442

Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government Registered Contractor DUNS# 090683520

E-Mail: ifs@imprimus.net