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Phone: 847-804-8420
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Indiana Law Enforcement
Training Board
Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government
Registered Contractor
DUNS# 090683520
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Incident Scene Videography

2 Day Workshop

We live in a society of instantaneous information. Each day, news is brought to us in the form of video on our televisions and computers. Public agencies have learned that video is an effective tool that can capture and maintain the attention of our audience as we present our story. However, if we shoot bad video, then we may as well not shoot video at all.

Workshop Summary

This workshop is designed to enhance the documentation skills of the incident scene investigator. It will provide the investigator with a solid understanding of the role played by the proper application of video in various types of investigations. It will also teach professional video techniques that will assure high quality video results. This workshop utilizes hands-on shooting exercises and is well suited for all personnel who will use video to document static incident scenes, like crime scenes, fire scenes and suspect interviews, or dynamic incident scenes such as public demonstrations.

Areas of instruction include:

  • Camera Operation Fundamentals
  • Technical Requirements for Scene Videos
  • Professional Video Techniques
  • Supplemental Lighting & Audio Equipment
  • Surveillance Techniques
  • Suspect Interviews
  • Courtroom Presentation
  • Equipment Selection & Accessories
  • Video Copy & Duplication
  • Video Preservation
  • Equipment Maintenance

Required Equipment

Students will need to bring a video camera, extra batteries and battery charger, two blank video tapes, a tripod and if they have one - a video light for the camera.

Preview PowerPoint Student Guide

Scheduled Programs

No programs are currently scheduled.

Interested in being a host agency? Call us at 847.804.8420 or send an email to us at IFS@imprimus.net

No programs are currently scheduled.

Interested in being a host agency? Call us at 847.804.8420 or send an email to us at IFS@imprimus.net

P.O. Box 1532 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 | Phone: 847.804.8420 | Fax: 847.439.7442

Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government Registered Contractor DUNS# 090683520

E-Mail: ifs@imprimus.net