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Indiana Law Enforcement
Training Board
Provider #5000-56

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DUNS# 090683520
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Bloodstains as Evidence

3 Day Workshop

Workshop Summary

This program is designed to heighten the awareness of crime scene investigators regarding the value of bloodstain evidence at crime scenes. It has been designed around several educational tasks identified by the International Association for Identification, bloodstain group (SWGSTAIN). This introductory program is suitable for both crime scene technicians and detectives looking to better understand bloodstain evidence and how it may help during incident investigations and reconstruction. The program includes classroom lecture along with practical bloodstain pattern exercises.

Relevant SWGSTAIN topics covered in this training include:

  • Knowledge of the history of the bloodstain pattern discipline
  • Understanding of blood components
  • Bloodstain pattern identification by appearance, size shape and distribution
  • Drop formation
  • Flight paths
  • Distribution of stains
  • Measurement of bloodstains
  • Mathematical principles of the bloodstain discipline
  • Techniques for bloodstain documentation

The evidence value of bloodstains is not confined to homicide investigations. It plays an important role in any investigation where blood has been shed including unusual deaths, sexual assault, robbery and burglary. Students will learn from actual case studies where bloodstain examination played a role in the successful resolution of that case.

Required Equipment

No mandatory equipment is required, however students are welcome to bring photography equipment if they would like to practice their bloodstain photo technique.

Scheduled Programs

2025 Workshops

March 24-26, 2025:Bloodstains as Evidence Workshop: Skokie Police Department - Skokie, Illinois | $449


September 8 - 10, 2025:Bloodstains as Evidence Workshop: Oswego Police Department - Oswego, Illinois | $449


2025 Workshops

March 24-26, 2025: Bloodstains as Evidence Workshop: Skokie Police Department - Skokie, Illinois | $449

September 8 - 10, 2025: Bloodstains as Evidence Workshop: Oswego Police Department - Oswego, Illinois | $449

P.O. Box 1532 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 | Phone: 847.804.8420 | Fax: 847.439.7442

Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Provider #5000-56

U.S. Government Registered Contractor DUNS# 090683520

E-Mail: ifs@imprimus.net