Imprimus Forensic Services, LLC
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Trace Evidence

Forensic BookAnalytical and Practical Aspects of Drug Testing in Hair
by Pascal Kintz
Forensic BookAtlas of Human Hair
by J. Robert Ogle and Michelle J. Fox
Forensic BookChemical Analysis of Firearms, Ammunition and Gunshot Residue
by James Smyth Wallace
Forensic BookChemical and Physical Behavior of Human Hair
by Clarence R. Robbins
Forensic BookCriminal Poisoning
by John H. Testrail III
Forensic BookDrug Testing in Hair
by Pascal Kintz
Forensic BookEvidence From the Earth
BY Raymond C. Murray
Forensic BookForensic Analysis on the Cutting Edge (Trace Analysis)
by Robert D. Blackledge
Forensic BookForensic Biology: The Science of Trace Evidence in Serious Crimes
by Andrea Baxter
Forensic BookForensic Botany
by Heather Miller Coyle
Forensic BookForensic Examination of Fibres
by James R. Robertson and Michael Grieve
Forensic BookForensic Examination of Glass and Paint
by Brian Caddy
Forensic BookForensic Examination of Hair
by James R. Robertson
Forensic BookForensic Geoscience: Principles, Techniques and Applications
by Geological Society of London
Forensic BookGas Chromatography in Forensic Science (Kindle)
by Ian Tebbett
Forensic BookGeological and Soil Evidence
by Kenneth Pye
Forensic BookHandbook of Forensic Botany
by Jane H. Bock and David O. Norris
Forensic BookMass Spectral and GC Data: Drugs, Poisons, Pesticides and Pollutants
by Karl Pfleger and Hans Maurer
Forensic BookMicroscopic X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
by Janssens, Adams and Rindby
Forensic BookMute Witness: Trace Evidence Analysis
by Max M. Houck
Forensic BookPathology, Toxiogenetics and and Criminalistics of Drug Abuse
by Steven B. Karch MD
Forensic BookPigment Compendium: Optical Microscopy of Historical Pigments
by Eastaugh, Walsh, Chaplin and Siddall
Forensic BookStructure Determination of Organic Compounds
by E. Pretsch, P. Buhlmann and C. Affolter
Forensic BookTrace Evidence Analysis
by Max M. Houck
Forensic BookTrace Metals and Fluoride in Bones and Teeth
by Nicholas D. Priest and Frank van de Vyver